Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Predicaments of Post-Colonialism

No Longer At Ease Extract In fact, some weeks ago when the trial first began, Mr. | | Green, his boss, who was one of the Crown witnesses, had also said| | something about a young man of great promise. And Obi had| | remained completely unmoved. Mercifully he had recently lost his| | mother, and Clara had gone out of his life. The two events| 5| events following closely on each other had dulled his sensibility and left| | him a different man, able to look words like ‘education and| | ‘promise squarely in the face.But now when the supreme moment| | came he was betrayed by treacherous tears. | | Mr. Green had been playing tennis since five o’clock. It was most| 10| unusual. As a rule his work took up so much of his time that he| | rarely played. His normal exercise was a short walk in the| | evenings. But today he had played with a friend who worked for| | the British council. After the game they retried to the club bar| | Mr. Green had a light yellow sweater over hi s white shirt, and a| 15| white towel hung from his neck. There were many other| |Europeans in the bar, some half-sitting on the high stools and| | some standing in groups of twos and threes drinking cold beer,| | orange squash or gin-and-tonic. | | ‘I cannot understand why he did it’, said the British council| 20| man thoughtfully. He was drawing lines of water with his finger on| | the back of his mist-covered glass of ice-cold beer. | | ‘I can,’ said Mr. Green simply. ‘What I can’t understand is| | is why people like you refuse to face facts. ’ Mr. Green was famous for| | speaking his mind. He wiped his red face with the white towel on| 25| his neck. The African is corrupt through and through. ’ The| | British council man looked about his furtively, more from| | instinct than necessity, for although the club was now open to| | them technically, few Africans went to it. On this particular| | occasion there were none, except of c ourse the stewards who served| 30| unobtrusively. It was quite possible to go in, drink, sign a cheque,| | talk to friends and leave again without noticing these stewards in| | their white uniforms. If everything went right you did not see| | them. | | ‘They are all corrupt,’ repeated Mr. Green. ‘I’m all for| 35| equality and all that.I for once would hate to live in South Africa. | | But equality won’t alter facts. ’| | ‘What facts? ’ asked the British Council man, who was| | relatively new to the country. There was a lull in the general con-| | versation as many people were now listening to Mr. Green without appearing to do so. | 40| The predicaments of post-colonialism. An analytical study of Chinua Achebe’s No Longer At Ease No Longer At Ease is an African, post-colonial novel published in 1960. It is the story of an Ibo man, Obi, who is privileged enough to leave his village for a British education and a job in the civ il service.However, Obi struggles to find bearing in the chasm between a dying colonialism and stillborn independence. With the country on the threshold of independence, the novel speaks strongly of themes such as education, tradition, progression and corruption. The chosen extract is found in the opening chapter of the novel, and details the trial in which Obi is charged for corruption. It is henceforth the intent of this essay to examine how the aforementioned themes are established through the symbolism of key characters, character foils and the frame story technique adopted.This topic was selected as the novel is set in the time period in which it was written, thus it is poignant to examine the perils of cultural assimilation and modernization within the novel as a microcosm of the struggles faced by postcolonial societies. The extract hence provides a good platform to discuss multiple areas and themes of the novel relevant to the question at hand. The interplay of the opening s cene and framed- story within the extract facilitates an understanding of prominent, underlying themes – corruption, and the duality of education.Deviating from the trial, the novel launches into frames- past events that culminate into Obi’s eventual demise, all of which are flashbacks designed to answer the pertinent question, ‘why he did it? ’ (line20) The frame within the extract begins with an exchange between Mr. Green and a British Council man that crystallizes the many prejudices harbored by colonials against the Africans; Mr. Green offers an insensitive and discriminatory explanation to Obi’s actions – ‘The African is corrupt through and through. ’(line26) This in itself is heavily ironic; while Mr.Green accuses Obi and his people of being ‘all corrupt’(line35), he, a colonial master, fails to realize that it is his Western education and socio-economic policies that have paradoxically landed educated Nigerian s such as Obi in their predicament. The onslaught of Western culture has essentially roped Africans deeper and deeper into moral calamity. Another example of irony is when Mr. Green declared ‘[he’s] all for equality’(line35) despite reproaching Africans for being corrupt and therefore inferior. Achebe is hence able to subtly discredit the Western system of education using Mr.Green’s hypocrisy as a representation. Henceforth, the role of the opening scene and first frame is twofold; Firstly, they work in tandem to instill the over-arching setting – an inherently corrupt African society. This provides the occasion for the main narrative- Obi being charged for accepting a bribe, and, the issue addressed by the rest of the novel- how colonialism was a detriment Nigeria as a developing nation. Beginning with the end also allows readers to anticipate Obi’s arrest depicted in the novel’s closing scene.This imbues the novel with a circularity that prompts readers to draw connections and understand the intimate relationship between the events detailed in the novel’s frames, and why Obi succumbed to corruption. Secondly, they put forth the duality of education. Here, Mr. Green’s hypocrisy (detailed in frame) and Obi’s trial (detailed in opening scene) encapsulate the superficiality of Western education- while it opened doors and opportunities, the social and moral predicament that ensued did little to emancipate Obi; rather, it entrenched him in greater problems, that of a struggle between two extreme cultures.Secondly, the characterization of Mr. Green as an archetypal colonial figure, and a symbol of patriarchic colonialism contribute to the portrayal of the theme of tradition and progression. Achebe personifies Mr. Green as a racist individual, aghast at the incompetence of Africans whom were, in his opinion, inextricably ‘corrupt through and through’(line26). It is even mentioned that Mr. Green patronized the club to escape the very presence of the locals(line34). Having understood the dynamics of Mr.Green’s character, the juxtaposition of Mr. Green and the UPU in the novel’s opening chapter, a symbol of traditionalist culture, hence highlights the two cultural spaces between which Obi is trapped. Having undergone a Western education meant that Obi was effectively void of a concrete identity, unable to assimilate completely or relate to either his cultural roots or a more contemporary, Western culture. Hence the conflict within Obi is introduced and presented to readers via this subtle juxtaposition of Mr.Green and the UPU that foreshadows the conflict between traditional and modernist values, the source of Obi’s downfall. Henceforth, Achebe has used symbolism through characters – Mr. Green and the UPU, to illustrate the long-drawn conflict between traditionalist and modernist cultures that was prominent during the post-colonial era. A nother literary technique Achebe has exploited to accentuate the cultural predicament Obi was ensnared in is that of a character foil. The theme of realism versus idealism is enforced here.Within the novel, Christopher serves as Obi’s foil; He always offers an opposing view to Obi’s. Among the many debates Christopher and Obi engaged in, the most significant is thus the discussion targeting the morality of bribery. Here, Christopher symbolizes reality- the liberal yet corrupt values of European society while Obi represents idealistic, traditional African culture. The juxtaposition of Christopher and Obi henceforth magnifies the theme of realism versus idealism; it encapsulates Obi’s struggle to come to terms with an alien European culture that would debase his African values.Henceforth, although Christopher advocates that Obi accept Elsie Mark’s offer, Obi holds fast, at this juncture, that the educated should ‘not take advantage of [their] position . ’ There is hence a distinct conflict between the irrefutable reality of a corrupt African society evidenced by Christopher’s stance, and the morality of idealistic Nigerian values, portrayed by Obi’s short-lived resistance to corruption; this thus acts as a microcosm of the transition that Obi is soon to undergo.The influence of his colonial masters will cause him to lay down his idealistic traditional beliefs and instead hoist the flag of Western culture, marking his moral degeneration and corruptibility. This signifies the point in time where Obi’s idealism is displaced by reality- corruption. By embodying the flaws of the Western education system, and exemplifying the appalling work ethic of educated Nigerians scorned by Mr. Green, Christopher therefore foreshadows Obi’s regression, allowing readers to unlock valuable insight into the corrupt nature of the educated.Henceforth, the character foil in the novel is pivotal in allowing readers to e mpathize with Obi’s susceptibility to the influence of colonialism. In conclusion, Achebe has successfully utilized the frame-story technique, symbolism and character foils to engender a conflict of tradition and progression within Obi. This has come to define the very essence of the African experience: colonization and decolonization, and the novel has successfully portrayed the tragic reality of how Obi was unable to anchor his character in the past, or in a utopian future. Word Count: 1,097

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Positive and Negative Impact of Genetically Modified Food Essay

Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods derived from organisms whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally, e.g. through the introduction of a gene from a different organism. Currently available GM foods stem mostly from plants, but in the future foods derived from GM microorganisms or GM animals are likely to be introduced on the market. Most existing genetically modified crops have been developed to improve yield, through the introduction of resistance to plant diseases or of increased tolerance of herbicides. In the future, genetic modification could be aimed at altering the nutrient content of food, reducing its allergenic potential, or improving the efficiency of food production systems. All GM foods should be assessed before being allowed on the market. FAO/WHO Codex guidelines exist for risk analysis of GM food. Positive and Negative Impacts Genetically Modified Food Has on the World The term ‘genetically modified food’, also known as ‘genetically modified organisms’, is most commonly used to refer to crop plants created for human or animal consumption using the latest molecular biology techniques. The reason these plants are being modified today is to enhance desired traits such as increased resistance to herbicides (pesticides used to kill unwanted plants) or improved nutritional content. In order to create these genetically modified foods, scientists must introduce specific changes to their DNA by using extremely precise genetic engineering techniques. While there are some benefits that genetically modified foods may offer, there are also some risks and negative affects that these foods can cause as well. Genetically modified foods have been helpful in many aspects of the world. Firstly, they have the ability to help meet the growing demands for food supply as the world population has topped 6 billion people and is predicted to double in the next 50 years or so. Ensuring enough food supply for this booming population is going to be a major struggle in years to come, and genetically modified foods will help do this in a number of ways. For example, crop losses from insect pests can be shocking, resulting in devastating financial loss for farmers and starvation in developing countries. By growing genetically modified foods such as B.T. corn, farmers can help eliminate the production of chemical pesticides that cause potential health hazards, and there will be higher crop yields that many experts argue can help to feed people in these countries. In addition to this, plants can be genetically modified to be resistant to bacterial, fungal or viral infestation. For example, sweet potatoes have been modified to improve viral resistance, and bananas have been modified to resist the Black Sigatoka fungus. Growing genetically modified foods will therefore lead to less†¦ [continues] Harmful Effects of the Agent Genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) are a broad group of plants, animals, and bacteria that are engineered for a wide variety of applications ranging from agricultural production to scientific research. The types of potential hazards posed by GMO’s vary according to the type of organism being modified and its intended application. Most of the concern surrounding GMO’s relates to their potential for negative effects on the environment and human health. Because GMO’s that could directly effect human health are primarily products that can enter the human food supply, this website focuses on genetically modified food. To date, the only types of products that have been approved for human consumption in the U.S. are genetically modified plants (FDA website). All genetically modified foods that have been approved are considered by the government to be as safe as their traditional counterparts and are generally unregulated (FDA website). However, there are seve ral types of potential health effects that could result from the insertion of a novel gene into an organism. Health effects of primary concern to safety assessors are production of new allergens, increased toxicity, decreased nutrition, and antibiotic resistance (Bernstein et al., 2003). Food Allergy Food Allergy affects approximately 5% of children and 2% of adults in the U.S. and is a significant public health threat (Bakshi, 2003). Allergic reactions in humans occur when a normally harmless protein enters the body and stimulates an immune response (Bernstein et al., 2003). If the novel protein in a GM food comes from a source that is know to cause allergies in humans or a source that has never been consumed as human food, the concern that the protein could elicit an immune response in humans increases. Although no allergic reactions to GM food by consumers have been confirmed, in vitro evidence suggesting that some GM products could cause an allergic reaction has motivated biotechnology companies to discontinue their development (Bakshi, 2003). Increased Toxicity Most plants produce substances that are toxic to humans. Most of the plants that humans consume produce toxins at levels low enough that they do not produce any adverse health effects. There is concern that inserting an exotic gene into a plant could cause it to produce toxins at higher levels that could be dangerous to humans. This could happen through the process of inserting the gene into the plant. If other genes in the plant become damaged during the insertion process it could cause the plant to alter its production of toxins. Alternatively, the new gene could interfere with a metabolic pathway causing a stressed plant to produce more toxins in response. Although these effects have not been observed in GM plants, they have been observed through conventional breeding methods creating a safety concern for GM plants. For example, potatoes conventionally bred for increased diseased resistance have produced higher levels of glycoalkaloids (GEO-PIE website). Decreased Nutritional Value A genetically modified plant could theoretically have lower nutritional quality than its traditional counterpart by making nutrients unavailable or indigestible to humans. For example, phytate is a compound common in seeds and grains that binds with minerals and makes them unavailable to humans. An inserted gene could cause a plant to produce higher levels of phytate decreasing the mineral nutritional value of the plant (GEO-PIE). Another example comes from a study showing that a strain of genetically modified soybean produced lower levels of phytoestrogen compounds, believed to protect against heart disease and cancer, than traditional soybeans (Bakshi, 2003). Antibiotic resistance In recent years health professionals have become alarmed by the increasing number of bacterial strains that are showing resistance to antibiotics. Bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics by creating antibiotic resistance genes through natural mutation. Biotechnologists use antibiotic resistance genes as selectable markers when inserting new genes into plants. In the early stages of the process scientists do not know if the target plant will incorporate the new gene into its genome. By attaching the desired gene to an antibiotic resistance gene the new GM plant can be tested by growing it in a solution containing the corresponding antibiotic. If the plant survives scientists know that it has taken up the antibiotic resistance gene along with the desired gene. There is concern that bacteria living in the guts of humans and animals could pick up an antibiotic resistance gene from a GM plant before the DNA becomes completely digested (GEO-PIE website). It is not clear what sort of ris k the possibility of conferring antibiotic resistance to bacteria presents. No one has ever observed bacteria incorporating new DNA from the digestive system under controlled laboratory conditions. The two types of antibiotic resistance genes used by biotechnologists are ones that already exist in bacteria in nature so the process would not introduce new antibiotic resistance to bacteria. Never the less it is a concern and the FDA is encouraging biotechnologists to phase out the practice of using antibiotic resistance genes (GEO-PIE website).

Belbin’s Theory Essay

When a team is performing at its best, usually each team member has clear responsibilities . Belbin suggests that, by understanding the role within a particular team, people can develop strengths and manage weaknesses as a team member. Belbin’s 1981 book Management Teams presented conclusions from his work studying how members of teams interacted during business games run at Henley Management College. Amongst his key conclusions was the proposition that an effective team has members that cover eight (later nine) key roles in managing the team and how it carries out its work. He categorized those roles into three groups: Action Oriented, People Oriented, and Thought Oriented. Each team role is associated with typical behavioural and interpersonal strengths. Belbin also defined characteristic weaknesses that tend to accompany each team role. He called the characteristic weaknesses of team-roles the ‘allowable’ weaknesses; as for any behavioural weakness, these are a reas to be aware of and potentially improve. Belbin suggested that, in order for a team to operate effectively, it needed a balance of nine different roles. Plant: Plants are creative, unorthodox and generators of ideas. If an innovative solution to a problem is needed, a Plant is a good person to ask. A good Plant will be bright and free-thinking. Plants can tend to ignore incidentals and refrain from getting bogged down in detail. The Plant bears a strong resemblance to the popular caricature of the absent-minded professor/inventor, and often has a hard time communicating ideas to others. Multiple Plants in a team can lead to misunderstandings, as many ideas are generated without sufficient discernment or the impetus to follow the ideas through to action. Resource Investigator: The Resource Investigator gives a team a rush of enthusiasm at the start of the project by vigorously pursuing contacts and opportunities. He or she is focused outside the team, and has a finger firmly on the pulse of the outside world. Where a Plant c reates new ideas, a Resource Investigator will quite happily appropriate them from other companies or people. A good Resource Investigator is a maker of possibilities and an excellent networker, but has a tendency to lose momentum towards the end of a project and to forget small details. Chairman (1981) / Co-ordinator (1988): The â€Å"Chairman/Co-ordinator† ensures that all members  of the team are able to contribute to discussions and decisions of the team. Their concern is for fairness and equity among team members. Those who want to make decisions quickly, or unilaterally, may feel frustrated by their insistence on consulting with all members, but this can often improve the quality of decisions made by the team. Clarifies goals; helps allocate roles, responsibilities, and duties; articulates group conclusions Shaper: A dynamic team-member who loves a challenge and thrives on pressure. This member possesses the drive and courage required to overcome obstacles. Seeks patterns in group work; pushes group toward agreement and decisions; challenges others Monitor-Evaluator: A sober, strategic and discerning member, who tries to see all options and judge accurately. This member contributes a measured and dispassionate analysis and, through objectivity, stops the team committing itself to a misguided task. Analyzes problems and complex issues; monitors progress and prevents mistakes; assesses the contributions of others; sees all options; judges accurately Team Worker: The â€Å"Team Worker† is concerned to ensure that interpersonal relationships within the team are maintained. They are sensitive to atmospheres and may be the first to approach another team member who feels slighted, excluded or otherwise attacked but has not expressed their discomfort. The Team Worker’s concern with people factors can frustrate those who are keen to move quickly, but their skills ensure long-term cohesion within the team. Gives personal support and help to others; socially oriented and sensitive to others; resolves conflicts; calms the waters; serves as an in-group diplomat Company Worker (1981) / Implementer (1988): The â€Å"Implementer† is the practical thinker who can create systems and processes that will produce what the team wants. Taking a problem and working out how it can be practically addressed is their strength. Being strongly rooted in the real world, they may frustrate other team members by their perceived lack of enthusiasm for inspiring visions and radical thinking, but their ability to turn those radical ideas into workable solutions is important. Completer Finisher: The â€Å"Completer Finisher† is the detail person within the team. They have a great eye for spotting flaws and gaps and for knowing exactly where the team is in relation to its schedule. Team members who have less preference for detail work may be frustrated by their analytical and meticulous approach, but the work of the Completer Finisher ensures the  quality and timeliness of the output of the team. Emphasizes the need for meeting schedules, deadlines, and completing tasks; searches out errors Specialist (1988): Belbin later added a ninth role, the â€Å"Specialist†, who brings ‘specialist’ knowledge to the team. Single-minded, self-starting, dedicated; provides unique or rare expertise and skills Specialists are passionate about learning in their own particular field. As a result, they are likely to be a fountain of knowledge and will enjoy imparting this knowledge to others. They also strive to improve and build upon their expertise. If there is anything they do not know the answer to, they will happily go and find out. Specialists bring a high level of concentration, ability, and skill in their discipline to the team, but can only contribute on that specialism and will tend to be uninterested in anything which lies outside its narrow confines. Note that Belbin was not arguing that every team has to have a minimum of nine members. Individuals within the team may take on more than one role each. As long as all the roles are filled, the team will be more likely to be effective.

Monday, July 29, 2019

HDI measures the outcomes of the development process. Basic needs and Essay

HDI measures the outcomes of the development process. Basic needs and the Milllenium Development Goals offer strategies by which to achieve such development. Explain and discuss - Essay Example The setting of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) called for a measure to evaluate the progress. There the HDI was developed as an alternative measure of the development recorded from using per capita income as before. Using Human Development Index has been seen as a better way of developing a reliable report especially in the drafting of HDR as in the past development was measured in terms of income only (Jahan, 2001). Per capita income had been seen as a good way of doing such an evaluation as in cases where it is high it shows that the economy is strong and that should also translate to other facets of the same government. However, with the introduction of the Human Development concept in the 1990s, it has been established that there is a need to develop a better means in which the development can be measured. This was followed by the publication of the Human Development Report (Jahan, 2001; United Nations Development Program). Therefore, to realize real development, alternative methods such as the HDI are used to consider issues such as poverty, health and income which are covered in the MDGs. Pribula, P. (2010). Human Development Index: How to Cope with with its Limitations. Web. Accessed January 10,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Coca-Cola environmentall business sustainability Essay

Coca-Cola environmentall business sustainability - Essay Example The research also gets to find out what coca cola engineers use, why and the ways of improving it considering the fact that since 2004, new equipment and even construction materials have been invented and so the ratings set by these sustainability indices might be inappropriate for the current generation (Adams G. H., 2005). The paper’s interest is development and from the history of the sustainability indices in Coca Cola Countries and as much as we consider BASIX as the best ongoing sustainability index in Coca Cola Countries, we should be aiming at improving it to the extent that it is at par with the problems arising or, form a better improved assessment tool. This can only happen when science intellectuals get deeper into the operating systems of BASIX and modify them or even come up with new devices which are better off. For it to happen, a thorough and critical research has to be conducted on that field to identify the problem, which in turn requires interaction with the experts of the different fields concerned for some time and come up with a helpful finding (Devitt, 2010). BASIX may have good objectives but the questions we should ask ourselves is, are those the only environmental problems facing the citizens of Coca Cola Countries as far as production and constructions is concerned?, is it only environmental problems that affect residents in Coca Cola Countries? These are the pending questions that this research is based upon. We as the users of BASIX have to help modify it for better results, and maybe we can continue to boast about the quality of our buildings again. Every actions in this world is always done to the benefit of the welfare of the human life, we always want to make our lives comfortable in any way, and that is why even the machineries invented in the early centuries by the likes of Aristotle have been improving

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Impact of Rise in Price of Gasoline Research Paper - 6

Impact of Rise in Price of Gasoline - Research Paper Example Gasoline is the complement of automobiles. The decrease in the supply of gasoline is likely to push its price up. Hike in price of compliment tends to decrease the demand for the good. In this case, the demand for both luxury cars and economy cars will decrease. However, due to the different nature of luxury and economy cars, their demand will decrease in different proportions in response to change in the price of gasoline. Luxury cars are likely to consume more gasoline hence their demand likely to be more responsive to increase in the price of gasoline relative to economy cars that are fuel-efficient and take a relatively little portion of consumption. Demand for luxury cars will, thus, decrease more than that of economy cars. These impacts are shown in the following figures. The horizontal axis shows the demand and supply quantity of luxury cars and the y-axis represents their price. Initial equilibrium lies at point E1 where demand curve D1intersects supply curve S. Due to increasing in price of gasoline demand curve shifts leftward i-e D2. The new equilibrium is E2, where equilibrium quantity has decreased from Q1 to Q2 and equilibrium price, has fallen from P1 to P2. In the case of economy cars, the same phenomena would repeat. The demand curve for the economy cars will shift to the left representing decreased demand for economy cars due to a rise in the price of gasoline. However, the extent of decrement in the demand for economy cars is likely to be lesser relative to that of luxury cars. As shown in the diagram below, X-axis shows the quantity demanded and supplied of economy cars and Y-axis shows their corresponding price. Due to the rise in the price of gasoline demand curve D1 shifts leftward and new demand curve D2 appears. Initial equilibrium lies at point E1 where equilibrium quantity is Q1 and the equilibrium price is P1. New demand curve D2 intersects supply curve S at point E2.  At new equilibrium, E2 equilibrium quantity is Q2 and the equilibrium price is P2.

Friday, July 26, 2019

International accounting standards Research Paper

International accounting standards - Research Paper Example The purpose of this paper is to try and understand the implications the prevalent global financial crisis will have on the organizations that are placed in order to determine the accounting standards for firms to follow Now,in the U.S.,the applicable regulations are Generally Accepted Accounting Principles,while in Europe they are the International Financial Reporting Standards. However, we will be focusing more on the International Financial Reporting Standards in Europe which are surveyed and controlled by the International Accounting Standards Board; if nothing but merely due to a lack of space. Now, our strategy in dealing with this topic is going to be as follows: the inner workings of the global financial crisis and what it has become in the present will be critically analyzed as quite frankly, that lies outside the bounds of this topic. Rather, we will pick out some International Accounting Standards that are currently in place and actively applied throughout the world. We wil l then try to analyze whether a change needs to be made to these standards in order to make them more holistic with regards to the contemporary global financial landscape. [1]For the purpose of this paper, we have chosen International Accounting Standard 1 and 24. Now the reason for choosing these standards is very simple: the first international accounting standard is related to the proper documentation of the financial statements and their proper release to the public. This has been a major talking point during the recent global financial crisis i.e. firms have been alleged by all quarters to have misread and subsequently withheld important information from their investors which led to the escalation of a minute problem; which was the sub-prime mortgage crisis into this global financial crisis. [2] The other International Accounting Standard that we have chosen for our paper is IAS 24 which basically concerns the related party transactions. The choice of this specific standard had been geared by consistent notions running around the financial markets that organizations have used their related ventures of key partners in bailing out an firms which have been in financial distress as part of a setup which may not be wrong according to the letter of the law but is certainly ethically immoral and perhaps socially not optimal; given that such transactions of bailout have occurred. Based on our analysis of these two standards, we will try to rationalize a hypothesis for the question that has been posed to us at the start of the paper. [3] International Accounting Standard 1: The main purpose of the International Accounting Standard 1 is to formulate a sort of best practice for the manner in which financial statements of different companies are prepared for final presentation. This is largely in order to ascertain the seamless comparison vis--vis the financial statements of the organization that have been produced in the preceding years and with the financial statements of other organizations. To achieve this goal, this standard demarcates a holistic set of prerequisites with regards to the presentation of financial statements, principles governing their configuration and the least necessities that have to be present in the reports vis--vis their specific subject matter. A complete set of financials must include a Balance Sheet, an Income Statement, a Statement of changes in Owner's Equity demonstrating all the changes in the equity or changes in equity beside those transactions which have been conducted by equity holders whilst they used their position a s equity holders, a Cash Flow Statement and a Notes for Guidance [4] In addition to this, the standard is also very clear on the other issues with regards to the presentation of the financial statements in that these statements must be unmistakably demarcated and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Media Report or Treat Violent Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Media Report or Treat Violent Crime - Essay Example The way the media portrays a crime is the way the world will perceive it, the more they exaggerate to increase viewer ratings the more the world lives in fear. Statistics have shown that the crime rate has decreased during the past few years. There was double digit crime inflation during the 1970's. People have that feeling that the crime rate has increased due to the way the media has been portraying each n' every incident! They dramatize the event just to increase their number of viewers. An FBI new release said that the crime rate has increased by only 2.5 per cent nationally. The crime rate has dropped 40-50 per cent since the time it was at its peak. It is funny how none of the media have shown these figures with the same boldness as they do other headlines. As per "Official crime statistics", most of the crime is non-violent, but media reports in many instances have suggested it to be the opposite. It is not only the media's fault. We as viewers are so interested in such news that they can't help it. If they want to make money they will show what the people want to see. There are many other bad things that affect our society, like poverty and inflation. Poverty stories are boring and are not attention-grabbing like blasts, murder, rape and many other such stories.

Psychology, Anthropology, and Sociology applied Essay - 1

Psychology, Anthropology, and Sociology applied - Essay Example The way these conflicts are resolved determines the individual’s ability to learn, to get along with others, and to cope with anxiety. Romantic relationships are governed by the concept of the Development of Attachment or the strong affectionate tie we have with special people in our lives that leads us to feel pleasure when we interact with them and to be comforted by their nearness in times of stress. When we establish a sense of attachment for someone special, we produce a romantic relationship. In order to make our societal and cultural lives better, we must focus our attention on Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory, which focuses on how culture, the values, beliefs, customs, and skills of a social group, is transmitted to the next generation. These concepts allow us to produce healthier relationships with other, romantic attachments, and better societal and cultural lives. Anthropology is important in producing better relationships with others, better romantic relationships, and better societal and cultural lives. Through participant-observation, Anthropologists are able to study many areas of human beings. Through these studies, they focus on family unit, family culture, and race to get a better understanding of these elements. Relationships become better because we are able to learn how past relationships affect our present relationships. Learning from historical examples is a good way of establishing a healthy relationship, which produces romantic ties with the individual who the person is intertwined. Societal and cultural ways become better because Anthropologist focus on understanding past cultures and societies. This research allows them to link past cultures and societies with present cultures and societies. It gives them an understanding of why and how people in present societies have a common link with past societies. Past cultures tend to t ransmit through present cultures because someone in the past taught their

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Napoleonic paintings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Napoleonic paintings - Essay Example The genre of this picture is history painting for it contains human figure besides representing the nature in its correct form. Moreover, the painting has a subject matter that is more significant to the viewer for instance; it reflects the history of the Napoleonic war era. Upright rectangular landscape elongated to feature other images of warring soldiers seen in the background. Besides the landscape is bear and has a climbing. The image is in dynamic energy, which is evident from the posture of the picture. Exaggerated moonlight achieved by the use of bright colours is evident intelligent use of brushwork to reveal the strong physiques of the horse, its rider, and propaganda words written on the ground.Through the little, natural, soft and direct light besides lack of shadow, the viewer is able to guess the time of the day. The viewer recognizes different obstacles or objects in the picture using varied colours ranging from bright to dark. The picture symbolises the Napoleon war e ra in whereby Jacques-Louis David uses the horse to cross to the war zone. The painting was done by Jacques-Louis David showing Bonaparte crossing the Alps waters in between 1800 and 1801 besides, which is an oil canvas done on a sheet measuring 260 by 221cm. The picture depicts a portrait painting in that the artist made the whole image to be the main or specific point of concern. It shows the full body of Bonaparte resulting to being a portrait painting. The artist uses an upright rectangular background that is enough.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Analysis of Pepsi Company Limited Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis of Pepsi Company Limited - Assignment Example The strategy used by the company indicates that the management is in the process of creating action plans that try to augment the market share and take the lead competitor position in the soft drinks industry. The company tries to do this by increasing operations in all major cities of the world to rival the global presence of Coca-Cola Company. b) The annual report also points out the fact the company uses the straight line on both depreciation and amortization, a factor which means that the company does not use reducing balance method (PepsiCo, 2010). When the different depreciation methods are compared, it can be seen that the straight-line method is the best for this type of company. This is because the straight-line method allocates the usefulness of the assets to the most productive life of the asset, meaning that when the asset is near obsolete, the depreciation allocated to the asset is small compared to the earlier life of the asset. Conversely, the reducing balance method of depreciation allocates depreciation according to the value of the asset, which ends up allocating depreciation even when the asset is near obsolete. The company also uses the straight-line method to amortize assets, loans and allocate capital expenditure. c) From the annual reports released in the fiscal year ended December 2010, the par value of Pepsi Company common stock is 1 2/3 pence per share (PepsiCo, 2010). This par value reflected by the financial statements of the company indicates that the value has remained constant since the company announced a stock split in 1996, which means that the share data have been adjusted to reflect the stock split. The par value of the shares has remained constant since the period, and capital in excess of the par value is reduced to reflect the increase in par value occasioned by the value of additional shares issued.

Monday, July 22, 2019

GI tract symptoms Essay Example for Free

GI tract symptoms Essay Nick has complained of â€Å"burning and prickly pain† in his feet, dizziness when he is standing or sitting, weak refluxes, being clumsy, vision changes, hearing changes, and trouble focusing. His symptoms are considered both sensory and motor.Nick’s symptoms are most likely due to peripheral nerve damage not central nervous damage. The component of the reflex arc that is most likely to be damaged is the integrating center. One or more regions of the CNS relay impulses from the sensory to the motor neurons, meaning that the impulses don’t ever reach the effectors and the motor neurons. The parasympathetic division of the ANS would be causing Nick’s GI tract symptoms because it is in controls of the inner workings of the body. The ANS control blood pressure by sensing a rise or fall in the about of blood pumping in the veins. Depending on that amount it either causes them to constrict o dilate at needed. During physical stress the part of the brain that interacts with the ANS to initiate the rapid heart rate and respiratory rate, elevated BP and extreme sweating is the prefrontal cortex. The Adrenergic receptors regulate the closing of sphincters and relaxation of the organ walls. Polyneuropathy is an appropriate term to use to describe Nick’s symptoms because his symptoms are caused by damage to more than one nerve. The symptoms that indicate polyneuropathy are the decreased ability to feel pressure or pain, burning and tingling in his feet, decreased refluxes, being clumsy and the dizziness. Nick’s symptoms indicate a peripheral polyneuropathy rather than a CNS lesion of the brain or spinal cord because they are symptoms related to sensation loss or weakness of certain areas. Symptoms related to the somatic reflexes are the weakness of reflexes, loss of pressure sensation and burning/tingling in his feet. Symptoms related to the autonomic reflexes are dizziness when sitting to standing and his GI tract symptoms.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How Procter And Gamble Manages Business Essay

How Procter And Gamble Manages Business Essay Nowadays every business is trying to expand its market to the world. There are many factors that help the company to achieve in the business world such as generating new products, a good marketing plan and knowing the important factor of cultural diversity in each country. Procter and Gamble (PG) is one of the most successful companies in the world. Resulting from effective business operation through cultural diversity, PG has become one of the most successful organizations. PG is the largest consumer goods production company in the world and well known around the world with a long history. PG is concerned about cultural diversity and they place an importance on it. Robert Mcdonald, Chairman of the Board, President and CEO and Linda Clement-Holmes, Past Chief Diversity Officer, and Senior Vice President, Global Business Service mention that Even during a challenging business climate, Diversity Inclusion remains a key priority. We believe diversity and inclusion is a competitive adva ntage.  [1]  Therefore PG is a good example in the education of young business workers and other companies to succeed in international business. This paper focuses on the issue of a global workforce by relating how PG manages a global workforce and remains successful in international business. II. Company Overview: Procter and Gamble (PG) is a company focused on consumer goods production. The company provides brands and packages goods involved in Beauty, Grooming and Household Care. The company was founded by William Procter and James Gamble in 1837 and is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. PG is the largest company in the world that serves 4.6 billion consumers globally, produces and markets more than 300 brands and sells in more than 180 countries. To better support the global marketplace, PG divided their geographic structure into four regions North America, Asia, Latin America, and Europe/Middle East/ Africa.  [2]   PGs History William Procter who was candle maker and James Gamble who was soap maker both of them immigrated from England and Ireland. They are located to Cincinnati Ohio. After that, their father-in-law persuaded them to joins a business partners. Therefore, Procter and Gamble was founded in 1837.  [3]   In the 1880s, the company produced a new product named Ivory. Ivory was a cheap soap that did not sink in water. During the American Civil War in 1858-1859, the company signed to provide the Union Army with soap from Procter and Gamble. In addition, to increase profit and product demand, it developed a lot of product lines that were related to soap such as for hair, laundry and dishwashers.  [4]  Moreover, in 1887, PG began a profit sharing program for company workers. This program helped the workforce join their crucial duty with the companys success.  [5]   In 1915, PG started to build factories outside the United States because of the demand for products. PG opened another product facility in Canada for soap and Crisco.  [6]   Radio grew more popular in the 1920s and 1930s, and PG sponsored radio programs. That is the origin of the word soap operas. Moreover, PG is the first company to manage data based market research with customers. This research helps the company enhance customer understanding and respond to consumer needs.  [7]   PG is the first company that instituted the Consumer Relations Department to respond and connect with the consumer in 1941. In addition, in 1973, the company created a toll-free phone number an e- mail in the 1980s to improve customers ability to contact the company.  [8]   In 1984 PG was one of the top 100 Best companies to work. Each year, the company receives many global honors for diversity, value, and improvement of lives.  [9]   PG obtained the honors from the U.S. Governments National Medal of Technology in 1996. Since PG is the company that improved and created advance technology for response to the consumer needs.  [10]   In 2010, PG understood the consumer needs and created the modernization program for help touch, on consumers needs. This enhanced consumers lives to complete the companys goal. Moreover, PG was one of the sponsors of the London Olympic Games in 2012.  [11]   Products For more than 170 years, PG has provided 50 leading brands around the world and 25 brands have more than $1 billion in annual sales. About 4.6 billion consumers use PG products every day. For consumers better life style and brand loyalty, PG tries to improve their products by observing and testing in order to get the best suitable products for their customers. PGs brands can be divided into two groups: Beauty and Grooming; and Household Care. The top products include the following  [12]  : Beauty and Grooming: Gillette, Olay, SKII, Head and Shoulders, Herbal Essences, Pantene, Rejoice, Safeguard, Always Ivory, Oral-B, Gucci Fragrances, Dolce Gabbana Cosmetic and CoverGirl. Household Care: Duracell, Mr. clean, Swiffer, Pampers, Tide, Downy, Dash and Gain.  [13]   Figure 1: PG Popular Products  [14]   PG SWOT Analysis  [15]   Strengths Most important market position collected on a convincing brand portfolio Significant RD and marketing investments Durable cash productivity Weakness High instance of product recalls Opportunities Future increase plans with focus on growth attention on its essential good-looking business and improving its consumers base Increase investment in production ability in developing countries Threats Rising inflation could cause considerable increase in the work cost Fake goods SWOT Analysis Overview PG is the largest consumer products company in the world. From past until now PG still leading market position collected on a strong brand portfolio with incomes of $78,938 million and serves products to 4.2 billion people. Moreover, PG also provided significant research and development and marketing investment to investigation the products for respond the market. PG invested a lot of money with RD part and marketing. The company use RD by attempt to connect with customer around the world for research and learn customer behavior and focused on consumer understanding.  [16]   However, PG is the company with a difference kind of product and large size but sometimes mistakes can happen in production. Some product brands are often recalled such as in November 2009 PG recalled Vicks Sine X nasal spray from Germany, UK and US because of the company found bacteria B. Cepa cia from product that produce in Germany. Later in March 2010 PG recalled Pringles the potato ship because of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found the Salmonella bacteria that cause of hazard with healthy. Repeated products are often recalled cause the company less in consumer trust and impact with company financial.  [17]  Moreover in the future PG has plan to focused on growth attention on its essential good-looking business and improving its consumer base for maintain the company that largest consumer product in the world. The attractive point from analysis is how PG adapt and develop diversity challenges to be its strength for improve business becomes to strength business strategies and develop products for respond consumer around the world. The particular issue the company has to face in global workforce Over its 175 -year history and professional background, the other factors that make PG success in the world is understand with its employees, consumers behavior and culture diversity. Although PG is an American company but it has strong growth from the mid 1940s to 2000 on international. PG products are available in North America, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Western Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, New Zealand and Australia.  [18]  Therefore the one essential challenge of PG is a Global Workforce. Although PG has encounter with global workforce and culture diversity, understanding the difference and issue of culture diversity and context of international business can help PG is successful in global market. Moreover company must have learned how to improve and how to solve the issue to the company for success in business world. When the company wants to work in different culture, employees must have to understand and consider about the culture in each country. Employee should be considered which country is low context or high context by observing the people behavior in each country. If the employees understand the culture and known how it contrast with each other it is the important step to complete intercultural proficiency and increase ability to working in global workplace.  [19]   If the company wants to be successful in global business, there are various types of behavior suggestion that should be applied and avoided in order to increase a performance of intercultural communication. Therefore, the following recommendations will help the company improve and develop the culture diversity obstacle for company successful in international business. Obstacle of intercultural communication  [20]   Stereotype is a distorted attitude of groups of people related to their race, nationality and sexual orientation. As stereotypes lead to bias and disregarded the diversity within groups, stereotypes should be avoided. Prejudice is an aggressive attitude about some people or group of people. Prejudice is not based on experience but based on misunderstanding and generalization. Ethnocentrism is belief in your own culture that right, reasonable and better than the other cultures. Discrimination is the obvious action to except, bypass or break up oneself from the other groups. Language Differences is people who from different culture or different country may pick up the vocabulary of a new culture. This situation lead to misunderstanding between people. Suggestions for develop communication among diverse work place audiences  [21]   Seek training. Particularly in international organizations that face to diversity problems. Companies should provide training to employees about workforce diversity and increase employees skill about intercultural communication. Understand the value of differences. Diversity makes n organization creative. If the company recognizes the difference and importance of each customer groups, the company will be able to run it. Make fewer assumptions. Companies should not assume that all customers wants the same products or like the same products. Companies should produce product variety for customers option. The Companys solution to the issues: How PG manages a global workforce How PG apply suggestions for develop communication among diverse workplace audiences with the PGs case. Seek training In order to understand the culture and behavior of customers is not easy because different culture, difference group and difference age it makes different demand of customers. Therefore PG recognizes the importance of employees diversity training. At PG diversity training is one part of management programs that explain different about diversity attitude that make the company successful.  [22]  PGs employees must learn the goodness of diversity culture through program called Cultures At Work. This program is taught about culture context that consist of high context cultures such as Asia cultures are more likely thoughtful and instinctive and low context cultures such as German and North American communicators are more likely to use linear logic.  [23]   Understand the value of difference A lot of companies such as Wal-Mart must failed when expand the branch to foreign country because of culture diversity. Like PG the important problems of PG are face with diversity workers and communication problem in international employees. The essential of company strategy PG want to support employees culture diversity by established the seven corporate affinity groups for understand about workers culture and behavior in each group. Corporate affinity groups are consist of African Ancestry Leadership Network (AALN), Corporate Womens Leadership Team (CWLT), Gay, Ally, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Employees (GABLE), Asian Pacific American Leadership Team (APALT), Hispanic Leadership Team (HLT), Native American Indian Leadership Team (NAILT), and People with Disabilities (PWD).  [24]  PG understand the value of diversity board chief. Thus 11 board members of PG are consist of two are Black, one is Asian, one is Latino and four are women.  [25]   Make fewer assumptions. Procter and Gamble avoid the idea that the product is available in one country will be available to other countries. From errors in the past such as in Mexico PG produced the Downy Single Rinse this product help to clean clothes. However PG did not think about the differences washed clothes way between American customers and Mexican customers. American use washing machine while Mexican washed clothes in rivers. Therefore, this product was failed in Mexico from this case it makes the PG try to research customer behavior and exert time and money for explore target market.  [26]  As a result, PG design to run the Living It campaign in order to authorize company workers to live with consumers in their home, go to shopping with consumers for notice consumer behavior when they want to buy some products. Moreover, PG design another associated campaign Working It campaign in order to support Living It campaign by company workers hang out the small shop and observation about shopper behav ior and products in shelves for assemble information and bring it to develop company product in the future.  [27]  From this campaign bring the PG become to success in the business market and can expand the product through a lot of countries. Conclusion PG global workforce problem can be solved by the company tries to understanding and developing the culture diversity and international communication. Another factors that makes the PG complete in global market is research the customer behavior, develop and improve the product that support the customer want. As many of cases of the past PG always to researches and studies about customer culture in each country and develop the new products for support the customer and find the way to run business across cultural. In addition, PG applying the methods for enhancing communication between diverse workplace that help the company to handle with the problem of the global workplace and improve employees ability to work in international market.

Musculosketal Systems and Physiology of Exercise

Musculosketal Systems and Physiology of Exercise The growth of the skeleton determines the growth and proportion of the body, the skeleton begins to form 6 weeks after fertilisation, bone growth goes through rapid growth through adolescents however genrally the skeleton does not stop growing up to the age of 25. Ossification is the formation of bone. The process of calcification – the deposition of calcium salts-occurs during ossification, but it can also occur in other tissues. When calcification occurs in tissues other than bone, the result is a calcified tissue (calcified cartilage) that does not resemble bone. Two major forms of ossification exist: endochondral and intramembranous. In endochondral ossification, bone replaces existing cartilage. In intramembranous ossification, bone develops directly from mesenchyme or fibrous connective tissue. (fundamentals of A and P) Word count 119 The human skeleton consists of 206 bone. When together the skeletal system provides the framework which all other tissues and organs attach giving the body shape. The skeletal system is divided into two parts the axial which is made up of the spine, skull, ribs and sternum. The appendicularskeleton which is made up of the pelvis, arm and leg bones. The skeleton has 5 main functions. Shape- The shape of the bone structure changes as the body grows. The skeletal system determines the height and width of a person, body shape is heredity. The three main body shapes are ectomorphs (tall and thin), mesomorphs (short and muscular), endomorphs (apple shape) Support- the skeleton provides support to the body and keeps the internal organs in place. The vertebral column allows someone to stand erect. The pelvis and leg bones are strong enough to carry the weight of the whole body. Movement- The bones are held together by ligaments. Tendons attach the muscles to the bones. Combined the muscular and skeletal system carry out movement, when muscles contract bones move. Protection- The skeleton protects vital organs from damage. The skull houses the brain, while the vertebral column protects the spinal cord which controls all bodily functions through communication with the brain. The thorax and sternum protect the heart and lungs. ( Words 280 The Pivot joint- In a pivot joint, the rounded or pointed surface of one bone articulates with a ring formed partly by another bone and partly by a ligament. A pivot joint is monoaxial because it allows rotation around its own longitudinal axis only. Ball and socket- Consists of a bonelike surface of one bone fitting into a cuplike depression of another bone. Examples of functional ball and socket are the shoulders. Hinge Joint- The convex surface of one bone fits into the concave surface of another bone. Hinge joints are in the knee, elbow, ankle and interphalangeal joints. Ellipsoid Joint- The convex oval-shaped projection of one bone fits into the oval shaped depression of another bone. Examples are the wrist and metacarpophalangeal joints. Saddle Joint- The articular surface of one bone is saddle shaped and the articular surface of the other bone fits into the saddle as a rider would sit. The most common saddle joint is the trapezius Gliding Joint- The articulating surfaces of bones in a planar joint are flat or slightly curved. Some examples are the intertarsal joints between tarsal bones at the ankle joints. Sternocostal joints sternum ends of the costal cartilages at the tips of the second through seventh pairs of ribs. Gliding joints primarly permit side to side and back to back movements. (words 220) The bones at a synovial joint are covered by articular cartilage, which is typically hyaline cartilage and occasionally fibrocartilage. The cartilage covers the surface of the bones with a smooth surface but does not bind them together. Articular cartilage reduces friction between bones in the joint during movement and helps to absorb shock. Articular capsule- A sleeve like capsule l surrounds a synovial joint, encloses the synovial cavity, and unites the articulating bones. This is composed of two layers, an outer fibrous capsule and an inner synovial membrane. The FC, usually consists of dense, irregular connective tissue that attaches to the periosteal of the articulating bones. The flexibility of the FC permits considerable movement at a joints while tensile strength helps prevent bones from dislocating. The fibres of some FC’s are arranged in parrelel bundles that adapted for resisting strains (ligaments). The mechanical structure of ligaments helps to hold bones together in a SJ. The SM, is composed of areolar connective tissue. Synovail Fluid- The SM secretes SF, which forms a thin film over the surfaces within the articular capsule. This clear/yellow fluid consists of hydrochloric acid and interstitial fluid filtered from blood plasma. The functions of this fluid are reducing friction by lubricating the joint and supplying nutrients to and removing metabolic wastes within articular cartilage. (Grabowski and tortora 2003) (220 words) TAQ 2 Three layers of connective tissue are part of each muscle; epimysium, perimysium and endomysium. The entire muscle is surrounded by epimysium a dense layer of collagen fibres. The epimysium separates the muscle from surrounding tissues and organs. It is connected to the deep fascia, a dense connective tissue layer. The connective tissue fibres of the perimysium divide the skeletal muscle into a series of compartments, each containing a bundle of fibres called a fascicle. Possessing collagen and elastic fibres, the perimysium contains blood vessels and nerves that maintain blood flow and innervate the muscle fibres within the fascicles. Each fascicle receives branches of these blood vessels and nerves. At each end of the muscle, the collagen fibres of the perimysium, perimysium and endomysium come together to form a bundle known as the tendon or aponeurosis. Tendons and aponeurosis usually attach skeletal muscles to bones. Where they contact the bone, the collagen fibres extend into t he bone matrix, providing a firm attachment. Any contraction of the muscle will exert a pull on the attached bone. Muscle contraction huge quantities of energy. An extensive vascular network delivers the necessary oxygen and nutrients and carries away metabolic wastes generated by active skeletal muscles. (Martini2006) words 200 The primary cell types of tendons are the tenoblasts and tenocytes. Tenocytes are mature tendon cells that are found throughout the tendon structure, connected to collagen fibres. Tenocytes are mature tendon cells that are found throughout the tendon structure. Tendon tissue is the tissue which connects muscles to bones. Tendons are the connective tissues that transmit the mechanical force of muscle contraction to the bones; the tendon is firmly connected to muscle fibres at one end and components of the one at its other end. The tendons are the strongest amongst the soft tissues. They require great strength is necessary for withstanding the stresses generating muscular contraction. A tendon is composed of dense fibrous connective tissue made up primary fibres are bunched together into subfasicles. Multiple secondary fibre bundles form tertiary fibre bundles, groups of which in turn form the tendon unit. Primary, secondary and tertiary bundles are surrounded by a sheath of connective tissue (endotenon) which facilitates the gliding of bundles against one another during movement. ( (words 160) Skeletal muscle adaptations to extend to underwater time despite selective vasoconstriction include elevated myoglobin concentration, high acid buffering ability and high aerobic and anaerobic enzyme activities. Because cardiac muscle is perfused during dives, it will rely less heavily on MB and anaerobic pathways to support contractile activity even before birth, it may be more physiolically mature at birth and develop faster than skeletal muscles. ( The energy for muscle contraction comes from ATP, which in turn comes from the metabolism of glucose and fatty acids. But not much ATP is stored in the muscles that just a few twitches could quickly exhaust the supply. Creatine phosphate cannot be used directly to power muscle contraction but phosphate can transfer its phosphate group to ADP to form ATP: Creatine phosphate + ADP += creatine + ATP. Two types of skeletal muscle Red (Slow twitch) White (Fast twitch). Red has a rich blood supply, numerous mitochondria and myglobin, that forms a loose combination with oxygen and stores it in the muscle. Although it contracts rather slowly it is capable of long term activity without fatigue. White Muscle has a limited blood supply, few mitochondria and a low myoglobin content. It depends entirely on anaerobic breakdown of glycogen for its energy supply is capable of very strong rapid contractions for a short period of time. Because these fibres have fewer mitochondria and capillaries than red fibres, their ability to resynthesize ATP through oxidative phosphorylation is limited and they fatigue rapidly. Muscle fibre types also differ between the sexes. Women tend to have more red fibres and less white fibres so a female will have less strength than a male but has more endurance. Men with more white fibre depend more on storing carbohydrate for fuel, therefore they have less endurance. Smooth muscle has some differences to skeletal muscles they are a pplied slowly and smoothly- contractions of the digestive system can occasionally rapid. In smooth muscle Ca ions activate the myosin, through two intermediate enzymes before the ATP becomes involved. Although smooth muscle contraction is slow it is efficient it uses 10% of the ATP required by skeletal muscle to produce the same strength contraction. Cardiac muscle is unique to the heart. It is able to beat incessantly because it never maintains a contraction. It contracts and promptly relaxes and the relaxation period is twice as long as its contraction period. The relaxation periods and contraction periods are strictly programmed; the muscle rests, then it must contract before it can rest again. Cardiac muscle is unlike smooth or skeletal muscle, it cannot rely on anaerobic metabolic pathways to provide its energy; it must never fail to get all the oxygen it needs. Cardiac muscle is the muscle in our bodies that is unable, except in disease states, to achieve a state of sustained contraction. ( (Martini 2006) Words 506 TAQ 3 The Impact of exercise on the Cardiovascular system: At rest the average cardiac output is 5.8 litres per minute, this changes significantly during exercise, the pattern of blood distribution changes. Light exercise: before you begin to exercise, the heart rate will increases slightly because of the rise in sympathetic activity. Extensive vasodilation occurs as the rate of oxygen consumption in skeletal muscles increases. Peripheral resistance drops, the blood flow through the capillaries increases and blood enters the venous system at a fast rate. The venus return increases as skeletal muscle contractions squeeze blood along the peripheral veins and increased breathing rate pulls blood into the venae cavae via respiratory pump. Cardiac output rises, primarily in response to the rise Respiratory System As the cardiac output rises the blood flow to the lungs ( pulmonary perfusion) increases. The oxygen diffusing capacity a measurement of the rate the avelor air into the blood increases during maximal exercise because more pulmonary capillaries become perfused. There becomes a greater surface area available for diffusion of oxygen into the pulmonary blood capillaries. During vigorous exercise, oxygen consumption and pulmonary ventilation both increase dramatically. With moderate exercise the increase is due to an increase in the depth of ventilation rather than the increased breathing rate. The abrupt increase in ventilation at the beginning of exercise is due to neural changes that send impulses to inspiratory area. The gradual increase in ventilation is due to chemical and physical changes in the blood stream Decreased hypophosphite due to increased oxygen Slightly increased Pc02 due to CO2 production contracting muscle fibres Increased temperature, due to the release of more heat as more oxygen is utilized. Smoking lowers respiratory effiency during exercise even with moderate exercise because several factors effect the respiratory system Nicotine constricts terminal bronchioles Carbon monoxide binds to haemoglobin reducing oxygen carrying capability Irritants in smoke cause muscus secretion to increase Muscular People with a higher proportion of fast glycolytic fibres often participate in activities which require periods of intense activity such as weight lifting. People with higher percentages of slow oxidative fibres are better at activities that require endurance ( long distance running). The total number of skeletal muscle fibres do not increase, the characteristics can alter to some extent. Aerobic exercises cause gradual transformation of FG fibres into FOG fibres. The transformed muscle fibres show slight increases in diameter. Exercise require great strengths for short periods of time to produce an increase in the size and strength of FG fibres. The increase is due to increased synthesis of thick and thin filaments. The result of muscle enlargement is evidence by the buldging muslces of body builders. Anabolic steroids are hormones similar to testosterone which increase muscles and strength during exercise. The large doses required have damging effects such as aggression, heart dise ase, kidney damage and stunted growth. Skeleton Bones have the ability to alter their strength in response to changes in mechanical stress. When placed under stress the bone tissue adapts by becoming stronger through increased deposition of mineral salts and production of collagen fibres. Another effect of stress is to increase the production of calcitonin. Without mechanical stress, the bones are unable to remodel normally because bone resorption outstrips bone formation. Removal mechanical stress weakens the bones through demineralisation and decreased collagen fibres. The most common of mechanical stress on the bones is from the the pull of skeletal muscles and the pull of gravity. The bones of an athletic person become thicker and stronger, weight bearing activities help build and retain bone mass. Astronauts and people which have fractured bones can lose up to 1% of bone mass per week. Words 560 (tortora grabowski 2003) TAQ 4 Osteoarthritis This is a degenerative non- inflammatory disease where over a period of time the cartilage is gradually lost. This will result in painful and restricted movement of the affected joints. This disease is a result of aging, irritation of the joints. This disease is the cause of disability in the elderly. The articular cartilage becomes thinner because its renewal does not keep in unison with its repair. Eventually the bony articular surfaces come in contact and the bones beings to degenerate. Some abnormal bone repair does take place and the articular surfaces become misshapen. Chronic inflammation develops with the effusion into the joints, due to the irritation caused by the tissue debris not removed by phagocytes. In some cases there is abnormal outgrowth of the cartilage at the edges of the bones which becomes ossified. Primary Osteoarthritis- Is the most common type, the cause of this disease is unknown. The changes may be due to acceleration of the normal aging process within the joints which have had excessive use over the years due to plenty of physical activity. This usually begins to develop in the late stage of middle age and affects large weight bearing joints; the hips, knees, cervical and lumbar spine. In most cases of primary osteoarthritis only affects one joint. Secondary osteoarthritis- This tends to occur in the joints where the cartilage has already been damaged due to Congential deformity of bones such as dislocation Trauma, intracapsular fracture of the bone and injury to intracapsuel structures. Other conditions, inflammatory diseases, haemophilia following repeated haemorrhages into the joints, peripheral nerve lesions, gout, acromegaly, diabetic neuropathy. Osteoarthritis of the spine This condition is more common within the elderly. Degenerative changes cause narrowing of intervertebral discs and osteophytes may develop around the margins of joints of the vertebral column, commonly in the cervical region. This may cause damage to the nervous system, varying from compression of the individual spinal nerves to spinal cord injury ( the main cause of paralysis). (340) (Grabowski and tortora 2003) Cruciate Knee This is where the ligament in the knee is torn which may result in reconstructive surgery. The anterior cruciate ligament is a tough band of tissue joining the thigh bone to the shin bone at the knee joint. ( This condition tends to affect people which are more athletic. The cruciate ligaments are found inside the knee joint. They cross each other to form an x with the anterior cruciate ligament in front and the posterior cruciate ligament in the back and forth motion of the knee. The anterior cruciate ligament runs diagonally in the middle of the knee, it prevents the tibia from sliding out in front of the femur and this provides rotational stability for the knee. There are 3 different grades of sprains which occur to the knee Grade 1 sprain is where the ligament has been slightly stretched and the knee is still stable. This will result in discomfort whilst walking and inability to participate in strenuous activity. Grade 2 This stretches the ligament to the point where it becomes loose. This is often referred to as a partial tear. Grade 3 This is referred to as a complete tear of the ligament. The ligament has been split in two pieces and the knee joint is unstable. The cruciate anterior is often injured by stopping suddenly, changing direction instantly, slowing down whilst running, landing from jumping incorrectly, direct collision’s in contacts sports such as football and rugby. When the anterior cruciate is injured often the patient will hear a popping sound and will feel their knee giving way underneath them. The most common symptoms are; The knee will swell within 24 hours. The pain and swelling may resolve naturally. However if the patient choses to attempt returning back to sports they may cause further damage to the meniscus of the knee. Loss of a range of movement in the knee Tenderness along the joint line When a person does not have the adequate muscles strength coordination or balance to quickly react to the demands of sports there is an increased risk for a serious knee injury. Glute weakness and instability lead to excessive strain being placed on the ALC. ( Words 365 ( References Martini F.H, 2006, Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, seventh edition, San Fracisco, Pearson Grabowski Sandra.Tortora Gerard, 2003, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, tenth edition, Hoboken, John Wiley and sons,inc Waugh.A,Grant. A.2001, Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in health and illness, ninth edition,London, Harcourt Publishers Tortora Gerard, Grabowski Sandra, principle of Anotomy and physiology. New York. Harper Collins college. (9/10/2014) (15/05/2015) (26/05/2015) (1/06/2015) (1/06/2015) (2/06/2015)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Globalization: Jobs: How Foreign Laborers Can Affect the U.S. Economy The economy is becoming increasingly global. Business face complex decisions when conducting operations, as business boundaries are no longer stated in national terms, but instead in global terms. For instance, management for companies ranging from medical information technology to software engineering must ask questions, such as: From what company should our company purchase input parts for our latest medical diagnostic equipment? Or should we outsource our manufacturing process for laptop computers overseas? Or how will globalization affect return to our investors for our latest software development subsidiary? Outsourcing is among one of the economic decisions businesses of all sizes must face. U.S. Corporations have high incentive to outsource job functions to foreign markets, as the wages of a foreign worker are a fraction of the domestic counterpart. The incentive is especially high to outsource to emerging markets such as China and India. According to a study conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2010, a production worker in India would work for an average of 92 cents an hour as compared to a U.S. worker who would not be able to legally obtain employment for any less than the U.S. minimum wage of $7.25 an hour (U.S. BLS, 2010). At that time, India labor cost just 13% of U.S. labor. Imagine a U.S. corporation competing with businesses that incur labor costs that are only 13% of the U.S. equivalent; in order for that business to remain profitable, they would outsource as many functions as possible. Outsourcing trends are unlikely to change, at least in the short-term futu re. Historically, outsourcing has occurred in labor intensive indust... ...oduct, is a formula that economists use to measure economic growth. GDP in China has grown at an average ___, whereas U.S. GDP has grown at ___ for the same period of ___. A reason behind this phenomenon is that developing countries typically grow at a faster economic pace than more industrialized nations. When the United States economy was industrializing, GDP grew at a pace of†¦. Modern economic theory demonstrates that some developing nations will eventually approach the economic wealth of more developed nations. In may not happen for at least fifty years, but eventually wage differences will substantially lessen, at least in terms of national boundaries. Foreign labor cost is currently a factor that aids firms in achieving an advantage in the market place. In the far future it is unlikely that the price of labor will be much different across national boundaries.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Three Major Issues in the Advertising Campaign for Coca Cola Classi

The Three Major Issues in the Advertising Campaign for Coca Cola Classic The three major issues in this advertising campaign for Coca-Cola Classic are to increase the number of people who drink Coca-Cola Classic, make our advertising more creative, and to ultimately beat our competitors. Our target market can be explained in just one word, everyone. Since Coca-Cola Classic had been around for many years everyone has heard of it. It does not matter what age, race, religion or what kind of financial status you have. The main thing that we need to do, is to take back all of the people that our competitors have taken away from us over the years. Though we do have great customer loyalty we want to increase the numbers. What’s wrong with being the ultimate best? Nothing and that is exactly what we are going to accomplish with this campaign. For our advertising I want to make several different advertisements using all of the media that is available. I want to have fun and exciting advertisements for our youngest audience, with lots of colors and maybe even a popular child cartoon character like Sponge Bob Square Pants for example. For our young adults I want to have advertisements that promote drinking Coca-Cola Classic instead of alcohol. I want to show a television commercial showing kids having a party and instead of drinking beer or liquor they are drinking Coca-Cola Classic, and still having a good time. Now, for our older audience I want to back them back to how we use advertise. Since they have been with us and watched our company grow for so many years I want our advertising to them to be more sentimental and recreate some of the advertisements that we use to use. Seeing things that you remember from the past, like a great Coca-Cola Classic advertisement, brings a good and warm feeling to a lot of individuals. I would also like to send out notices for direct mail to everyone just reminding them how good Coca-Cola Classic is and encourage them to rush out and go get one. Situation Analysis John Stith Pemberton (1831-1888) the inventor of Coca-Cola was a druggist. At the age of fifty he decided that he wanted to become part of scientific history, and he wanted to make a fortune. He wanted to invent the perfect medicine and develop a drink so that he could mix both of them. He had learned about the coca plant and how the natives of Peru and Bolivia... ...e are many objectives that I want to accomplish. Get customers attention, hold their attention, introduce them to our new slogan, and tell everyone why coke is better. Since we will have a new slogan I want our public relations person to send out mailing notices to our carriers letting them know. This way we can have new signs put up. I also want to have coupon at the front when they buy a coke they will get $.50 off of their drink. I only want the coupon to be valid for a week. Evaluation I want our carriers to let us know how many coupons’ they redeemed when their customers purchased a Coca-Cola. I also want a stocking report from them to see if sales increase or stay about the same. I think that if we mail out surveys also to random houses asking when the last time they bought a Coca-Cola was and how they like our new approach. With this we will send them a free pen and pad once it is returned to us, as a thank you to them. I am very confident in this advertising campaign, but this is your company and if there is something that you do not like or something that you think should be added please let me know. I look forward to doing business with Coca-Cola Classic Company.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Internet Essay examples -- essays research papers fc

The Internet The Internet has an enormous impact on the American Experience. First, It encourages the growth of businesses by providing new ways of advertising products to a large audience, and thus helps companies to publicize their products. Secondly, It allows more Americans to find out what goes on in other countries by learning about other cultures and by exchanging their opinions and ideas with other people worldwide. This may well promote a better global understanding. Finally, by allowing people to access vast amounts of information easily, it will change how they make decisions and ultimately also their lifestyle. The Internet is a high-speed worldwide computer network which evolved from the Arpanet. The Arpanet was created by the Pentagon in the late 1969 as a network for academic and defense researchers. In 1983, the National Science Foundation took over the management of the Internet. Now the Internet is growing faster than any other telecommunications system ever built. It is estimated that in three years, the system will be used by over 100 million people (Cooke 61). Since the World Wide Web (WWW or W3) became popular through point-and-click programs that made it easier for non-technical people to use the Internet, over 21,000 businesses and corporations have become accessible through the Internet (Baig 81). These companies range from corporate giants like IBM, AT&T, Ford and J.C. Penny, to small law firms. "With the Internet, the whole globe is one marketplace and the Internet's information-rich WWW pages can help companies reach new customers," says Bill Washburn, former executive director of Commercial Internet Exchange (Baig 81). Through the Internet, new opportunities to save money are created for companies. One of the bigger savings is the cost of transmission. It is estimated that the administrative cost of trade between companies in the U.S. amounts to $250 billion a year (Liosa 160). Sending an ordinary one-page e-mail message from New York to California via the Internet costs about a penny and a half, vs. 32 cents for a letter and $2 for a fax (Liosa 158). Hale & Dorr for example, a Boston based law firm, uses the Internet to its advantage. If a client company requests a contract for a foreign distributor, it can send electronic mail over the Internet to a Hale & Dorr computer, where a draft document will b... is having a major influence on America. Its successor in the near future, the Information Superhighway will continue to do so for a long time as well. By creating new ways of publicizing products and helping businesses, the Internet has strengthened and reinforced the U.S. economy. It also promotes a better global understanding by allowing millions of Americans to communicate with other people on an international level because it provides a constant flow of instant, unbiased information for everyone at any time, anywhere. The ability to obtain information quickly and easily will become very essential in the future, now that America is entering the information age. The Information Superhighway, once built, promises a good start into the new era. Bibliography Eddings, Joshua. How the Internet Works. California: Ziff-Davis Press, 1994. Cooke, Kevin. "The whole world is talking." Nation. July 12, 1993: 60-65. Verity, John. "The Internet." Business Week. November 14, 1994: 80-88. Silverstein, Ken. "Paving the Infoway." Scholastic Update. September 2, 1994: 8-10. Liosa, Patty. "Boom time on the new frontier." Fortune. Autumn93, 1993: 153-161.

Second Foundation 16. Beginning of War

For reason or reasons unknown to members of the Galaxy at the time of the era under discussion, Intergalactic Standard Time defines its fundamental unit, the second, as the time in which light travels 299,776 kilometers. 86,400 seconds are arbitrarily set equal to one Intergalactic Standard Day; and 365 of these days to one Intergalactic Standard Year. Why 299,776?- Or 86,400?- Or 365? Tradition, says the historian, begging the question. Because of certain and various mysterious numerical relationships, say the mystics, cultists, numerologists, metaphysicists. Because the original home-planet of humanity had certain natural periods of rotation and revolution from which those relationships could be derived, say a very few. No one really knew. Nevertheless, the date on which the Foundation cruiser, the Hober Mallow met the Kalganian squadron, headed by the Fearless, and, upon refusing to allow a search party to board, was blasted into smoldering wreckage was 185; 11692 G.E. That is, it was the 185th day of the 11,692nd year of the Galactic Era which dated from the accession of the first Emperor of the traditional Kamble dynasty. It was also 185; 419 A.S. – dating from the birth of Seldon – or 185; 348 Y.F. – dating from the establishment of the Foundation. On Kalgan it was 185; 56 F.C. – dating from the establishment of the First Citizenship by the Mule. In each case, of course, for convenience, the year was so arranged as to yield the same day number regardless of the actual day upon which the era began. And, in addition, to all the millions of worlds of the Galaxy, there were millions of local times, based on the motions of their own particular heavenly neighbors. But whichever you choose: 185; 11692-419-348-56 – or anything – it was this day which historians later pointed to when they spoke of the start of the Stettinian war. Yet to Dr. Darell, it was none of these at all. It was simply and quite precisely the thirty-second day since Arcadia had left Terminus. What it cost Darell to maintain stolidity through these days was not obvious to everyone. But Elvett Semic thought he could guess. He was an old man and fond of saying that his neuronic sheaths had calcified to the point where his thinking processes were stiff and unwieldy. He invited and almost welcomed the universal underestimation of his decaying powers by being the first to laugh at them. But his eyes were none the less seeing for being faded; his mind none the less experienced and wise, for being no longer agile. He merely twisted his pinched lips and said, â€Å"Why don't you do something about it?† The sound was a physical jar to Darell, under which he winced. He said, gruffly, â€Å"Where were we?† Semic regarded him with grave eyes. â€Å"You'd better do something about the girl.† His sparse, yellow teeth showed in a mouth that was open in inquiry. But Darell replied coldly, â€Å"The question is: Can you get a Symes-Molff Resonator in the range required?† Well, I said I could and you weren't listening-â€Å" â€Å"I'm sorry, Elvett. It's like this. What we're doing now can be more important to everyone in the Galaxy than the question of whether Arcadia is safe. At least, to everyone but Arcadia and myself, and I'm willing to go along with the majority. How big would the Resonator be?† Semic looked doubtful, â€Å"I don't know. You can find it somewheres in the catalogues.† â€Å"About how big. A ton? A pound? A block long?† â€Å"Oh, I thought you meant exactly. It's a little jigger.† He indicated the first joint of his thumb. â€Å"About that.† â€Å"All right, can you do something like this?† He sketched rapidly on the pad he held in his lap, then passed it over to the old physicist, who peered at it doubtfully, then chuckled. â€Å"Y'know, the brain gets calcified when you get as old as I am. What are you trying to do?† Darell hesitated. He longed desperately, at the moment, for the physical knowledge locked in the other's brain, so that he need not put his thought into words. But the longing was useless, and he explained. Semic was shaking his head. â€Å"You'd need hyper-relays. The only things that would work fast enough. A thundering lot of them.† â€Å"But it can be built?† â€Å"Well, sure.† â€Å"Can you get all the parts? I mean, without causing comment? In line with your general work.† Semic lifted his upper lip. â€Å"Can't get fifty hyper-relays? I wouldn't use that many in my whole life.† â€Å"We're on a defense project, now. Can't you think of something harmless that would use them? We've got the money.† â€Å"Hm-m-m. Maybe I can think of something.† â€Å"How small can you make the whole gadget?† â€Å"Hyper-relays can be had micro-size†¦ wiring†¦ tubes – Space, you've got a few hundred circuits there.† â€Å"I know. How big?† Semic indicated with his hands. â€Å"Too big,† said Darell. â€Å"I've got to swing it from my belt† Slowly, he was crumpling his sketch into a tight ball. When it was a hard, yellow grape, he dropped it into the ash tray and it was gone with the tiny white flare of molecular decomposition. He said, â€Å"Who's at your door?† Semic leaned over his desk to the little milky screen above the door signal. He said, â€Å"The young fellow, Anthor. Someone with him, too.† Darell scraped his chair back. â€Å"Nothing about this, Semic, to the others yet. It's deadly knowledge, if they find out, and two lives are enough to risk.† Pelleas Anthor was a pulsing vortex of activity in Semic's office, which, somehow, managed to partake of the age of its occupant. In the slow turgor of the quiet room, the loose, summery sleeves of Anthor's tunic seemed still a-quiver with the outer breezes. He said, â€Å"Dr. Darell, Dr. Semic – Orum Dirige.† The other man was tall. A long straight nose that lent his thin face a saturnine appearance. Dr. Darell held out a hand. Anthor smiled slightly. â€Å"Police Lieutenant Dirige,† he amplified. Then, significantly, â€Å"Of Kalgan.† And Darell turned to stare with force at the young man. â€Å"Police Lieutenant Dirige of Kalgan,† he repeated, distinctly. â€Å"And you bring him here. Why?† â€Å"Because he was the last man on Kalgan to see your daughter. Hold, man.† Anthor's look of triumph was suddenly one of concern, and he was between the two, struggling violently with Darell. Slowly, and not gently, he forced the older man back into the chair. â€Å"What are you trying to do?† Anthor brushed a lock of brown hair from his forehead, tossed a hip lightly upon the desk, and swung a leg, thoughtfully. â€Å"I thought I was bringing you good news.† Darell addressed the policeman directly, â€Å"What does he mean by calling you the last man to see my daughter? Is my daughter dead? Please tell me without preliminary.† His face was white with apprehension. Lieutenant Dirige said expressionlessly, † ‘Last man on Kalgan' was the phrase. She's not on Kalgan now. I have no knowledge past that.† â€Å"Here,† broke in Anthor, â€Å"let me put it straight. Sorry if I overplayed the drama a bit, Doc. You're so inhuman about this, I forget you have feelings. In the first place, Lieutenant Dirige is one of us. He was born on Kalgan, but his father was a Foundation man brought to that planet in the service of the Mule. I answer for the lieutenant's loyalty to the Foundation. â€Å"Now I was in touch with him the day after we stopped getting the daily report from Munn-â€Å" â€Å"Why?† broke in Darell, fiercely. â€Å"I thought it was quite decided that we were not to make a move in the matter. You were risking their lives and ours.† â€Å"Because,† was the equally fierce retort, â€Å"I've been involved in this game for longer than you. Because I know of certain contacts on Kalgan of which you know nothing. Because I act from deeper knowledge, do you understand?† â€Å"I think you're completely mad.† â€Å"Will you listen?† A pause, and Darell's eyes dropped. Anthor's lips quirked into a half smile, â€Å"All right, Doc. Give me a few minutes. Tell him, Dirige.† Dirige spoke easily: â€Å"As far as I know, Dr. Darell, your daughter is at Trantor. At least, she had a ticket to Trantor at the Eastern Spaceport. She was with a Trading Representative from that planet who claimed she was his niece. Your daughter seems to have a queer collection of relatives, doctor. That was the second uncle she had in a period of two weeks, eh? The Trantorian even tried to bribe me – probably thinks that's why they got away.† He smiled grimly at the thought. â€Å"How was she?† â€Å"Unharmed, as far as I could see. Frightened. I don't blame her for that. The whole department was after her. I still don't know why.† Darell drew a breath for what seemed the first time in several minutes. He was conscious of the trembling of his hands and controlled them with an effort. â€Å"Then she's all right. This Trading Representative, who was he? Go back to him. What part does he play in it?† â€Å"I don't know. Do you know anything about Trantor?† â€Å"I lived there once.† â€Å"It's an agricultural world, now. Exports animal fodder and grains, mostly. High quality! They sell them all over the Galaxy. There are a dozen or two farm co-operatives on the planet and each has its representatives overseas. Shrewd sons of guns, too- I knew this one's record. He'd been on Kalgan before, usually with his wife. Perfectly honest. Perfectly harmless.† â€Å"Um-m-m,† said Anthor. â€Å"Arcadia was born in Trantor, wasn't she, Doc?† Darell nodded. â€Å"It hangs together, you see. She wanted to go away – quickly and far – and Trantor would suggest itself. Don't you think so?† Darell said: â€Å"Why not back here?† â€Å"Perhaps she was being pursued and felt that she had to double off in a new angle, eh?' Dr. Darell lacked the heart to question further. Well, then, let her be safe on Trantor, or as safe as one could be anywhere in this dark and horrible Galaxy. He groped toward the door, felt Anthor's light touch on his sleeve, and stopped, but did not turn. â€Å"Mind if I go home with you, Doc?† â€Å"You're welcome,† was the automatic response. By evening, the exteriormost reaches of Dr. Darell's personality, the ones that made immediate contact with other people had solidified once more. He had refused to eat his evening meal and had, instead, with feverish insistence, returned to the inchwise advance into the intricate mathematics of encephalographic analysis. It was not till nearly midnight, that he entered the living room again. Pelleas Anthor was still there, twiddling at the controls of the video. The footsteps behind him caused him to glance over his shoulder. â€Å"Hi. Aren't you in bed yet? I've been spending hours on the video, trying to get something other than bulletins. It seems the F.S. Hober Mallow is delayed in course and hasn't been heard from† â€Å"Really? What do they suspect?† â€Å"What do you think? Kalganian skulduggery. There are reports that Kalganian vessels were sighted in the general space sector in which the Hober Mallow was last heard from?† Darell shrugged, and Anthor rubbed his forehead doubtfully. â€Å"Look doc,† he said, â€Å"why don't you go to Trantor?† â€Å"Why should I?† â€Å"Because â€Å"You're no good to us here. You're not yourself. You can't be. And you could accomplish a purpose by going to Trantor, too. The old Imperial Library with the complete records of the Proceedings of the Seldon Commission are there-â€Å" â€Å"No! The Library has been picked clean and it hasn't helped anyone.† â€Å"It helped Ebling Mis once.† â€Å"How do you know? Yes, he said he found the Second Foundation, and my mother killed him five seconds later as the only way to keep him from unwittingly revealing its location to the Mule. But in doing so, she also, you realize, made it impossible ever to tell whether Mis really did know the location. After all, no one else has ever been able to deduce the truth from those records.† â€Å"Ebling Mis, if you'll remember, was working under the driving impetus of the Mule's mind.† â€Å"I know that, too, but Mis' mind was, by that very token, in an abnormal state. Do you and I know anything about the properties of a mind under the emotional control of another; about its abilities and shortcomings? In any case, I will not go to Trantor.† Anthor frowned, â€Å"Well, why the vehemence? I merely suggested it as – well, by Space, I don't understand you. You look ten years older. You're obviously having a hellish time of it. You're not doing anything of value here. If I were you, I'd go and get the girl.† â€Å"Exactly! It's what I want to do, too. That's why I won't do it. Look, Anthor, and try to understand. You're playing – we're both playing – with something completely beyond our powers to fight. In cold blood, if you have any, you know that, whatever you may think in your moments of quixoticism. â€Å"For fifty years, we've known that the Second Foundation is the real descendent and pupil of Seldonian mathematics. What that means, and you know that, too, is that nothing in the Galaxy happens which does not play a part in their reckoning. To us, all life is a series of accidents, to be met with by improvisations To them, all life is purposive and should be met by precalculation. â€Å"But they have their weakness. Their work is statistical and only the mass action of humanity is truly inevitable. Now how I play a part, as an individual, in the foreseen course of history, I don't know. Perhaps I have no definite part, since the Plan leaves individuals to indeterminacy and free will. But I am important and they – they, you understand – may at least have calculated my probable reaction. So I distrust, my impulses, my desires, my probable reactions. â€Å"I would rather present them with an improbable reaction. I will stay here, despite the fact that I yearn very desperately to leave.*** â€Å"No! Because I yearn very desperately to leave.† The younger man smiled sourly. â€Å"You don't know your own mind as well as they might. Suppose that – knowing you – they might count on what you think, merely think, is the improbable reaction, simply by knowing in advance what your line of reasoning would be.† â€Å"In that case, there is no escape. For if I follow the reasoning you have just outlined and go to Trantor, they may have foreseen that, too. There is an endless cycle of double-double-double-double-crosses. No matter how far I follow that cycle, I can only either go or stay. The intricate act of luring my daughter halfway across the Galaxy cannot be meant to make me stay where I am, since I would most certainly have stayed if they had done nothing. It can only be to make me move, and so I will stay. â€Å"And besides, Anthor, not everything bears the breath of the Second Foundation; not all events are the results of their puppeting. They may have had nothing to do with Arcadia's leave-taking, and she may be safe on Trantor when all the rest of us are dead.† â€Å"No,† said Anthor, sharply, â€Å"now you are off the track.† â€Å"You have an alternative interpretation?† â€Å"I have – if you'll listen.† â€Å"Oh, go ahead. I don't lack patience.† â€Å"Well, then – how well do you know your own daughter?† â€Å"How well can any individual know any other? Obviously, my knowledge is inadequate.† â€Å"So is mine on that basis, perhaps even more so – but at least, I viewed her with fresh eyes. Item one: She is a ferocious little romantic, the only child of an ivory-tower academician, growing up in an unreal world of video and book-film adventure. She lives in a weird self-constructed fantasy of espionage and intrigue. Item two: She's intelligent about it; intelligent enough to outwit us, at any rate. She planned carefully to overhear our first conference and succeeded. She planned carefully to go to Kalgan with Munn and succeeded. Item three: She has an unholy hero-worship of her grandmother – your mother – who defeated the Mule. â€Å"I'm right so far, I think? All right, then. Now, unlike you, I've received a complete report from Lieutenant Dirige and, in addition, my sources of information on Kalgan are rather complete, and all sources check. We know, for instance, that Homir Munn, in conference with the Lord of Kalgan was refused admission to the Mule's Palace, and that this refusal was suddenly abrogated after Arcadia had spoken to Lady Callia, the First Citizen's very good friend.† Darell interrupted. â€Å"And how do you know all this?† â€Å"For one thing, Munn was interviewed by Dirige as part of the police campaign to locate Arcadia. Naturally, we have a complete transcript of the questions and answers. â€Å"And take Lady Callia herself. It is rumored that she has lost Stettin's interest, but the rumor isn't borne out by facts. She not only remains unreplaced; is not only able to mediate the lord's refusal to Munn into an acceptance; but can even engineer Arcadia's escape openly. Why, a dozen of the soldiers about Stettin's executive mansion testified that they were seen together on the last evening. Yet she remains unpunished. This despite the fact that Arcadia was searched for with every appearance of diligence.† â€Å"But what is your conclusion from all this torrent of ill-connection?† â€Å"That Arcadia's escape was arranged.† â€Å"As I said.† â€Å"With this addition. That Arcadia must have known it was arranged; that Arcadia, the bright little girl who saw cabals everywhere, saw this one and followed your own type of reasoning. They wanted her to return to the Foundation, and so she went to Trantor, instead. But why Trantor?† â€Å"Well, why?† â€Å"Because that is where Bayta, her idolized grandmother, escaped when she was in flight. Consciously or unconsciously, Arcadia imitated that. I wonder, then, if Arcadia was fleeing the same enemy.† â€Å"The Mule?† asked Darell with polite sarcasm. â€Å"Of course not. I mean, by the enemy, a mentality that she could not fight. She was running from the Second Foundation, or such influence thereof as could be found on Kalgan.† â€Å"What influence is this you speak of?† â€Å"Do you expect Kalgan to be immune from that ubiquitous menace? We both have come to the conclusion, somehow, that Arcadia's escape was arranged. Right? She was searched for and found, but deliberately allowed to slip away by Dirige. By Dirige, do you understand? But how was that? Because he was our man. But how did they know that? Were they counting on him to be a traitor? Eh, doc?† â€Å"Now you're saying that they honestly meant to recapture her. Frankly, you're tiring me a bit, Anthor. Finish your say; I want to go to bed.† â€Å"My say is quickly finished.† Anthor reached for a small group of photo-records in his inner pocket. It was the familiar wigglings of the encephalograph. â€Å"Dirige's brainwaves,† Anthor said, casually, â€Å"taken since he returned.† It was quite visible to Darell's naked eye, and his face was gray when he looked up. â€Å"He is Controlled.† â€Å"Exactly. He allowed Arcadia to escape not because he was our man but because he was the Second Foundation's.† â€Å"Even after he knew she was going to Trantor, and not to Terminus.† Anthor shrugged. â€Å"He had been geared to let her go. There was no way he could modify that. He was only a tool, you see. It was just that Arcadia followed the least probable course, and is probably safe. Or at least safe until such time as the Second Foundation can modify the plans to take into account this changed state of affairs-â€Å" He paused. The little signal light on the video set was flashing. On an independent circuit, it signified the presence of emergency news. Darell saw it, too, and with the mechanical movement of long habit turned on the video. They broke in upon the middle of a sentence but before its completion, they knew that the Hober Mallow, or the wreck thereof, had been found and that, for the first time in nearly half a century, the Foundation was again at war. Anthor's jaw was set in a hard line. â€Å"All right, doc, you heard that. Kalgan has attacked; and Kalgan is under the control of the Second Foundation. Will you follow your daughter's lead and move to Trantor?† â€Å"No. I will risk it. Here.† â€Å"Dr. Darell. You are not as intelligent as your daughter. I wonder how far you can be trusted.† His long level stare held Darell for a moment, and then without a word, he left. And Darell was left in uncertainty and – almost – despair. Unheeded, the video was a medley of excited sight-sound, as it described in nervous detail the first hour of the war between Kalgan and the Foundation.